Friday, June 17, 2016

June 17, 2016 Detroit --> Sisters, OR - 58 miles


Awoke to the ringing of my phone at 5 am - my Mother winning the prize as first to wish me Happy Birthday. She sounded genuinely surprised that I was still in bed at 5 am and sounding sleepy. I assured her that I was getting up for morning studies after her call. Also got a text from my sister, a birthday singing from LaDonna, and many other birthday good wishes from friends throughout the day. Randy even tossed in his rendition of the Happy Birthday song. Wow - I was very touched that so many of you remembered and feel so blessed to have such considerate friends. 

Met Randy for breakfast, and we headed out of town around 9:00 am. 

The forecast was for 70% chance of rain, and it was cold from the get-go.  The first 30 miles or so were steady climbing. Our good luck with traffic ended - the traffic was extremely heavy as cars, rv's and trucks constantly whizzed by. Luckily, there was a fairly good shoulder to ride on and the motorists were considerate for the most part. Because we were both somewhat tired from the previous 2 days of 46+ miles riding, we stopped at frequent intervals to rest and snack. I was soaked from a combination of sweat from the exertion of climbing, compounded by cold rain. My hands and feet were cold most of the day. 

At about the 35 mile mark, the steady climbing gave way to a couple hours of steep climbs. It was fairly brutal at times. At least the scenery was somewhat interesting in that it appeared that the forest had burned at some point.

Finally, we reached the Santiam Pass Summit, elevation 4800 feet - I felt every one of those feet. After passing the Pacific Crest Trailhead, we were treated to another of those 5 mile steep downhill descents on the other side. It was very wet, and I felt a little apprehensive, but still reached speeds approaching 30 mph. It was exhilarating.  Those 5 miles were over way to quick, and I was somewhat dismayed to see a heavy cloud overshadowing the next leg of the ride. On came the rain again. And still a good 12-15 miles to go to reach Sisters. I was freezing. At least this part was fairly flat, with the occasional hill. 

Randy approached and said that he was really hurting, and wanted to stop at McDonalds just before Sisters for a fish filet. I told him a McDonald's fish filet was about the last thing on my mind ( I do not like fish), so we agreed that I would go ahead to Sisters Motor Lodge and get checked in, and Randy would join me later. I reached the motel around 4 pm, and happily settled in to my room. Randy arrived a little later and got a room there as well. He had originally planned on camping.  

After a nice long soak in the tub, I ventured into town to look for my birthday dinner. I came upon a wine bar featuring pasta primavera for dinner, and signed on. Had a delicious dinner with a celebratory glass of wine, topped off by homemade ice cream from across the street for dessert. Delicious! Started feeling human again. 

Tomorrow, Randy and I will make the relatively short (20 miles or so) ride to Bend, where I plan to find a room for the night and take a rest day on Sunday. Randy is continuing on another 20 miles to stay with his friend Bill. They plan to come to Bend on Sunday afternoon to take me out for my birthday dinner, then load up my bike and me to go back to Bill's. Randy and I are planning the next phase of the trip starting Monday towards Crater Lake.

No doubt this is one birthday I will not soon forget. At the end of the day, I am very tired, but happy.

1 comment:

  1. Glad your highest priority is ADVENTURE instead of Comfort, Kim! Your b-day dinner looks delicious, and I know even when have no human companion at your table, your Creator is delighting in your birth day, as are all your friends. Blessings to you and Randy, and your endurance and willingness to push past all tiredness to reach a goal is VERY inspiring! Nathalie
