Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Donna - April 28, 2015 - Day 3 - Zibiri --> Pamplona

Although the four musketeers started out rough, it turned out to be a better hiking day.  With sunshine and perfect temp we stopped along the way to admire the scenery and especially the many fields of horses.  There were many foals with their mothers and one very pregnant mare stuck her head over the fence to get a scratch - made my day.

There was also some small speckled horses that I have no idea of breed that were fun to watch - especially one rambunctious colt that kept trying to get into trouble.

We maintained a steady pace for the 23 km to   Pamplona but ended the day looking like ravaged confederate soldiers limping to our hotel (yoldi).

I was beyond tired and hungry (just had nuts for lunch) but nothing opened for real food until 7 or 8 we had to make do with a cafe con leite until dinner with the boys.

I can honestly say I am not a true pilgrim since I fully appreciated the hotel - clean and with a bathtub that Kim and I made full use soaking our tired achy bodies,

Afterwards, we were fortunate to be able to meet Ursula who was a liaison to the trip for Leon and Steve.  They arranged to have her to transport most of their gear ahead to next hotel stops to lighten their load and make walking a little easier.  Kim and I  asked if she could mail home most our cold weather gear a sleeping bags to lighten our packs and she was so kind to enthusiastically do that for us.  Not lugging items no longer needed will be a blessing.

Not only did Ursula help lighten our load but also escorted us to the square and talked to several cafe's to arrange to get us some real food at 6:30 pm which was still a bit early.  It was heaven to finally eat and have some good conversation and laughs.

After some Advil pm I finally slept - tomorrow is going to be a better day.

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Loving keeping track of you and your sister through this blog. Your journey has only begun and it's wonderful to live vicariously through you two. FYI - I sent the link to Luke for him to follow. Hopefully you all wouldn't mind letting him read as well. I'm thinking it will help him be better prepared! take care, be safe and ENJOY!
