Sunday, June 15, 2014

LaDonna' Post Ride Thoughts

June 15, 2014

I am reflecting today on this magical bike ride that has taken me across 500 miles of pure beauty. I have never visited Colorado. And  I am so glad I decided to take this adventure. The magnitude of just how beautiful this country is has been my Oprah "a-ha" moment. 

I received an email today from a cousin who has followed this ride and her comment was that Colorado is one of her most favorite places, but.....She would not want to see this state by bike. I could not imagine it any other way. 

Biking has exposed me to a view I may of never noticed. We all go through life so fast that sometimes a simple pause is all that it takes to reflect on the soul. And believe me I paused quite a bit on this trip. Sometimes I chose to and sometimes life chose those pauses for me. Even before we left Austin there were many pauses as I learned to change gears properly. I had been doing it all wrong. My physical conditioning caused us to pause and rethink our destination choice, I never doubted I could do this ride, but I did wonder how long it would take me. 

When we began our ride out of Aurora I thought, " ok God, let's see what you taught me." My first incline, to me, was a mountain. Kim pedaled to the top with the ease of wings on her feet. I got off and pushed. But, I kept my head up.....always up.....And I was determined to see every sight around me. This challenge to get to the top became my goal and I would often yell to Kim....."see you  at the top".  And now, two weeks later....I still yell "see you at the top"' and Kim always waits, but I am now pedaling.......just like through life, pedal at a time......slow and steady a very slow pace. I don't want to miss one sight.

Biking gave me an opportunity to enjoy the wildlife around me. Prairie dogs of all sizes greeted us as we passed. I think a few if the younger ones stood along side the road and waved. Antelope ran wild through the fields and I loved the day that Kim raced a Fox, she lost. Those moments were magical. I have never seen an open range. The cows were so close I could of petted them . And who has a camel in the mountains of Colorado? 

Snow on PIkes Peak in June. An artist's dream drawing. I found myself always looking up. 

When I reached the top the ride down took my breath away. I reached speeds of 33-34 mph. I wanted to close my eyes ,but I was too frightened by the ride. I will always remember the wind in my face and the look in Kim's eyes when we reached the bottom.  Sheer joy! One day I  wanted to yell to no one, but to everyone" can life be any better than this!". I have been surrounded and blessed by this beauty of land and people. 

And I have seen this from the seat of a bike. 

I could not imagine taking this trip with  anyone other than Kim. She has often told me of these moments, and now I know. I cannot wait for my next ride. 

And my final should be enjoyed by any means. You should enjoy the moments  that make you smile. You don't have to be on a bike to pedal contently through life, but....... 
Today, I am so happy I was on a bike ride through this wonderful state. I enjoyed every pedal. 
And today, I  am content. 

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