Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July 26, 2016 Beaverdell --> Kelowna - 52 miles

When I woke up, I gratefully realized that my jaw was not aching. A vast improvement from yesterday afternoon, and no need to take more meds. 

Went through my morning routine, then joined the Victoria women for a few moments during breakfast before heading off on the 50 mile ride to Kelowna. We exchanged contact info, and several invited me to stay with them if I returned to Seattle via the Victoria ferry. Nice women.

My ride on Hwy 33 was fairly similar to yesterday's - a combination of flat road and rolling hills, culminating in one long slow fairly steep incline to the Kelowna Rock Creek Summit of over 4000 feet. As I rested at the top,of the summit, a couple towing an RV pulled  over and stopped to talk. They were eating ice cream, and offered some to me, which I gratefully accepted. It was quite warm, and the ice cream tasted like a well deserved reward.  This couple was from Kelowna, and I got some good info regarding the route to Vernon and Kamloops the next few days. Also found it rassuring that I was done climbing for the day, and there was a long long downhill into Kelowna to look forward to. 

I coasted into Kelowna and arrived at my motel around 2:30 pm. Spent the next couple of hours taking care of business with AT&T; checking the maps and adjusting the route for tomorrow; finding a place to stay in the small town of Falkland for tomorrow; and organizing myself for tomorrow. Had to ride my bike a couple of miles for dinner. 

Tomorrow's ride is 60 miles, although supposedly no mountain passes or steep inclines. Still, I will be glad to get this long ride over with, given that I have ridden 7 straight days and my legs and body are tired. Plus, I do suspect there will be some of those rolling hills thrown in somewhere...

As I get ready for bed, I am pleased to report no jaw pain, and I have not taken any meds since yesterday afternoon. Hopefully, this positive turn of events will continue. 

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