Tuesday, July 12, 2016

July 11, 2016 Victoria BC - 23 miles

Took my time this morning to get ready for the rest of the week. Did laundry, moved to a different room, made sure I had the route planned for the 65 mile ride to Port Renfrew tomorrow. The first couple of hours to Sooke will be on the Galloping Goose Trail, which is supposed to be beautiful. Then Hwy 14 for 42+ miles to Port Renfrew. I made a reservation at the Trailhouse Lodge so that at the end of a long day I have a place to land. 

Around 1 pm I decided to venture out and ride the 10 miles to Butchart Gardens, then make a decision whether to actually go in or return home. The ride out there was beautiful, but I was struck by all the long, steep inclines that I would have to navigate on the return trip. I began feeling fearful - I was using up leg reserves that I knew I would very likely need tomorrow on the long ride. Started obsessing a little, to the point that when I arrived at Butchart Gardens I was more concerned about the challenging ride home than the gardens.  So, I opted out of paying the $32 entry fee and instead headed back home, full of trepidation. I did, however, take a couple of pictures of grounds outside the entrance. Nothing close to what is inside, I'm sure, but the best I could do at that moment.

The ride back to the motel was nothing at all like what I had feared and anticipated.  Had a lovely tailwind, and the climbs were a piece of cake. I had not noticed the downhill coasts, as I had been blinded by my fear of the inclines. I felt myself feeling joyful as I cruised all the way home, enjoying the lovely scenery and the wonderful bike lanes. Hm...there is a big lesson in all of this about the fears we conjure up that don't exist and prevent us from fully enjoying the present moment. Holding back because of the cost, when the payoff for engaging and making the effort is potentially huge. Another life lesson. In reality, I would have had plenty of time to explore Butchart Gardens and still get home early enough to rest up for tomorrow. One of the lessons I am learning on this journey is to be more open to spur of the moment opportunities to fully engage in living in the present moment. And to not conjure up and create fears where they don't exist. And to do it afraid anyway when they may exist because of the potential payoff. Life as an adventure.

Winged it for dinner as That L'l Pasta Place was closed for repairs. Bummer. Still,  enjoyed my peanut butter sandwhich and accompanying snacks. Looking forward to the challenges of tomorrow.

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