Tuesday, June 28, 2016

June 26, 2016 Rest day in Eugene

I slept like a log, and got up around 6 am, looking forward to good coffee and my morning routine. Bean greeted me briefly, then was off to more important cat things. Maxine joined me a little later, and for breakfast I had granola with fresh blueberries, strawberries and cantaloupe. Also had the most delicious scone. 

Maxine and I went to church, and I felt such a sense of gratitude and renewal of spirit. Sort of a culmination of the Crater Lake experience and the special time I have spent the past few days with my friends. A visiting youth choir from Seattle that was in Eugene for a competition performed several outstanding songs. The words and music touched me on some deep level that moved me to tears. The sermon, given by a retired pastor, centered on Romans 12 and felt especially relevant. “Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect." I have found that bike touring is definitely a wonderful deviation from what most consider the world's norm, and renews or changes my thinking and ability to discern in positive ways. 

After church, Maxine, Bob and I took a scenic drive to King's Estate Winery for a late afternoon lunch/early dinner. As we drove up the hill to the restaurant,we were treated to the sight of a huge blanket of lavender that covered the hill. It was stunning. Our meal was superb, and afterward Maxine and I took a wine tour. We met a couple of cyclists on the tour, with whom I compared notes and shared stories. The whole King's Estate experience was delightful. 

After returning home, we had pie and ice cream, walked the dogs, then settled in to watch "The Way".
This 2010 film starting Martin Sheen is the film that inspired me and my sister, as well as countless others, to walk the Camino de Santiago in Spain. 

I love the time I have spent with Maxine and Bob. They exude such a calm, peaceful and loving countenance that serves as a model for how I would like to be when present with others. They are reasonable human beings with a good sense of humor. At times I have felt the comparison with the biblical teachings regarding how to treat strangers - they always make this "stranger" feel as if I am a loved member of the family. Speaking of family, one of the things that struck me in 2012, and again on this visit, is the way Maxine and Bob's faces literally light up with joy when they talk about their three daughters and what incredible women they have become. I have never met their girls, but maybe some day if I am ever biking this way again.....

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