Tuesday, June 21, 2016

June 20, 2016 Sunriver --> Chemult, OR - 59 miles

Awoke to a crisp, cool beautiful morning. Not a cloud in the sky. Bright blue. I realized that I fell asleep around 9 pm and did not wake until 4:45 am. Unheard of for me to sleep that long and that well uninterrupted. I felt rested and human. 

Randy and I left our haven at Bill's house and rode approximately 6 miles to the Sintra Cafe in Sunriver to meet Bill for breakfast. Bill is friends with the cafe owners and goes there just about every morning for breakfast and to write for a couple of hours. Nice flat ride to the cafe with beautiful snow-capped mountains in the distance. 

Had a wonderful breakfast with Bill, and sadly left around 10:20 am to resume riding to Chemult. We rode along highway 95, and were treated with a beautifully paved and mostly flat road almost all the way. Still, a lot more traffic than I cared for.

I drifted along with my thoughts. Started with thoughts of how much I enjoyed the time with Randy and Bill and our conversations. Also, thought about Truth Be Told, and wanted to put the link out there again since I want to use this ride as a fundraiser in support of that very worthy organization. As is my practice, I never know who gives - so no pressure on anyone thinking I will "check up." But do appreciate your consideration of a donation of any amount. The link is truth-be-told.org. 

We finally reached Chemult around 3:30 pm, and the Budget Inn where we had booked rooms. It would be a true understatement to say that the looks of the place were somewhat daunting and I resisted the urge to just ride by and keep on going. However, upon inspection, the rooms were clean and quite adequate. Another one of those "you can never judge a book by its cover" lessons. And, surprisingly, there was a Subway next door. So, an ok dinner. Let's just say that Chemult is sort of a group of broken down and worn buildings along the side of the highway that have seen their better days. 

The plan for tomorrow is to ride to Crater Lake - one of the rides I have highly anticipated ever since we planned this journey. I saw a PBS program recently that gave the background on how Crater Lake was formed, etc. and am excited to see it in person. The forecast is for sunny and warm - up to the 80's. We will most likely camp out, since alternatives are few and very expensive. Still, you never know what you may find. 

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